Saturday, March 7, 2009

How to use "finish" in Thai language?

It's certainly that many foreigners who can speak Thai have the same idea that
there are too many words or many ways for "finish" in Thai language. Sure it's too confused
to use it. That's why everyone should learn and get used to it.

The first meaning of finish is "set".
When we translate English to Thai, we will say set follow verb that's opposite with English way.
Example: I will finish studying in the afternoon.
Says in Thai language "ja rian set nai dtawhn-baai"

Finish eating: gin kaao set
Finish working: tam-ngaan set
Finish exercising: awhk-gam-lang set
What is "Finish doing"?

Next meaning of finish in Thai language is "mot".
Actually "mot" has few meanings in English such as: finish & run out.
Mostly we say "mot" with noun; example,
gaa-fae mot (Coffee is finished.)
ngoen not (Money is run out.)
way-laa mot (Time is out.)
kaao mot (Rice is finished.)

"jop" is one meaning of finish in Thai language.
In fact "jop" means end in English, but we use for finish as well.
The way to use jop is easy, just use it with noun like music or movie
playng jop: A song is finished.
nang job: A movie is ended.

Furthermore; "jop" used for something finished that never happen again,
such as chee-wit job (No more life.), a-naa-kot jop (No more future.).

PS: It's really complicated.: sap-sawn jing jing.

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