Sunday, March 22, 2009

Movie and Movie Theatre

We can say easily "nang"(down and up for tone) for a movie or "paap-pa-yon".
From my opinion why they say "nang" in Thai because the movie screen is made from the leather that says "nang" in Thai language as well.
"nang" mostly used for speaking, but "paap-pa-yon" mostly used for writing and formal.
Why we say "paap-pa-yon" for movie because "paap" means "a picture or photo" and "yon"
means "engine". After we combined 2 words, we got "paap-pa-yon" which means "engine picture".

As for "Movie Theatre" can say it in Thai "roong nang" or "roong paap-pa-yon"
When we want to say the movie theatre's name, we put it following "roong-nang"
e.g. roong-ngang Major, roong-nang SF, roong-nang Lido (Thai people called li-doo, but foriengers say ly-do).

There are many interesting movies in this month. Both of Thai and foreigners movies.
A good Iran movie that I will recommend that is "The Song of Sparrows". Now it's showing at the House RCA on Rama 9 Rd. It shows the power of love from the family that can cure everything. Furthermore, we can see the natural life in Iran that 's rarely see in nowadays.
Some scenes make people realize what we do need in this life.

Don't miss it! ( 'yaa plaat' says in Thai language)

More information at / Tel.0-2641-5177-8

Friday, March 20, 2009

Anything in Thai language

Anything says "a-rai gaw dai"
Anywhere says "tee-nai gaw dai"
Anyhow says "yang-ngai gaw dai"
Any time says "muea-rai gaw dai " or "way-laa nai gaw dai"
Any person or whoever say "krai gaw dai"

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Direction: tit-taang

Someone lost the way? Let's improve your Thai words about the direction!

liao saai (Turn left)
liao kwaa (Turn right)
dtrong bpai (Go straight)
bpai rueai rueai (Keep going)
jort tee-nee (Stop here.)
jort loei see yaek (Stop after intersection)
jort gawhn see yaek (Stop before intersection)
san-yaan fai ja-raa-jorn (Traffic light) or "fai daeng" (Red light)
glap rot (U-turn), but we can speak U-turn (be sure speak it like Thai accent
that is u-toen)
"jort fang saai" or "jort saai muue" (Stop by the left side)
"jort fang kwaa" or jort kwaa muue" (Stop by the right side)

PS: "jort" means stop that used with only vehicles. We say "yut" when we talk other things.
Ex: yut puut (Stop speaking)
yut rian (Stop studying)
yut len (Stop playing)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

How to use "finish" in Thai language?

It's certainly that many foreigners who can speak Thai have the same idea that
there are too many words or many ways for "finish" in Thai language. Sure it's too confused
to use it. That's why everyone should learn and get used to it.

The first meaning of finish is "set".
When we translate English to Thai, we will say set follow verb that's opposite with English way.
Example: I will finish studying in the afternoon.
Says in Thai language "ja rian set nai dtawhn-baai"

Finish eating: gin kaao set
Finish working: tam-ngaan set
Finish exercising: awhk-gam-lang set
What is "Finish doing"?

Next meaning of finish in Thai language is "mot".
Actually "mot" has few meanings in English such as: finish & run out.
Mostly we say "mot" with noun; example,
gaa-fae mot (Coffee is finished.)
ngoen not (Money is run out.)
way-laa mot (Time is out.)
kaao mot (Rice is finished.)

"jop" is one meaning of finish in Thai language.
In fact "jop" means end in English, but we use for finish as well.
The way to use jop is easy, just use it with noun like music or movie
playng jop: A song is finished.
nang job: A movie is ended.

Furthermore; "jop" used for something finished that never happen again,
such as chee-wit job (No more life.), a-naa-kot jop (No more future.).

PS: It's really complicated.: sap-sawn jing jing.