Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Seasons in Thailand

"rue-duu" means "season" in Thai language.
There are 3 seasons in Thailand: Winter, Summer and Rainy.

"rue-duu naao" or "naa-naao" the meaning of Winter.
"rue-duu rawhn" or "naa-rawhn" the meaning of Summer.
"rue-duu fon" or "naa-fon" the meaning of Rainy season.

"bplaai fon dton naao" says in Thai language for changing
the weather from rainy season to winter that happens at the
end of October till the beginning of November. It has been raining
heavily lately because the rainy season is nearly finished and winter is
coming soon. Most of people in Bangkok will be happier because everybody can go everywhere without an umbrella that's called "rom (ร่ม)" in Thai language. It's good time to prepare a nice jacket or a lovely coat that should not be a red one or yellow one.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thai Drink: krue-ang duuem tai

Thai drink เครื่องดื่มไทย
nam som (Orange juice) น้ำส้ม
nam ma-naao sot (Fresh lemon juice) น้ำมะนาวสด
nam ma-praao (Coconut juice) น้ำมะพร้าว
nam dtaeng-moo bpan (Punched watermelon juice) น้ำแตงโมปั่น
nam sap-bpa-rot bpan (Punched pineapple juice) น้ำสับปะรดปั่น
gaa-fae yen (Iced coffee) กาแฟเย็น
chaa rawhn sai nom (Hot tea with milk) ชาร้อนใส่นม
chaa dam yen (Black iced tea) ชาดำเย็น
chaa ma-naao nam-pueng (Honey lemon tea) ชามะนาวน้ำผึ้ง
chaa dta-krai (Lemongrass tea) ชาตะไคร้
nam gra-jiap (Roselle juice) น้ำกระเจี๊ยบ
nam gek-huai (Chinese pyrethrum flower juice) น้ำเก๊กฮวย
nam lam-yai (Longan juice) น้ำลำไย
nam-lin-jee (Lichee juice) น้ำลิ้นจี่
nam sao-wa-rot (Passion fruit juice) น้ำเสาวรส
nam yen (Iced water) น้ำเย็น/ nam bplaao (Water) น้ำเปล่า
nam kaehng (Ice) น้ำแข็ง
nam pak ruam (Mixed vegaetables juice) น้ำผักรวม
nam pon-la-mai ruam (Mixed fruits juice) น้ำผลไม้รวม
nam dtao-huu (Tofu drink) น้ำเต้าหู้
nam kaao-poot (Corn drink) น้ำข้าวโพด
nam chao-guai (Black chinese jelly drink) น้ำเฉาก๊วย

Some useful sentences:
-kun mee krue-ang-duuem a-rai baang?
(What any kinds of drinks do you have?)

-kawh may-nuu krue-ang-duuem noi
(May I have the drinks menu, please?)

-ao ..................
(I want ..............)

-mai ao nam-kaehng
(I don't want ice.)

-kun mee ........................mai?
(Do you have .......................?)

-bplian dai mai?
(Can I change?)

Thai food: aa-haan tai

These are the list of some Thai food:
dtom-yam gung (Hot & Spicy soup with shrimps)
dtom-kaa gai (Chicken in coconut milk soup with galanga)
gaeng-kiao-waan gai (Sweet green curry chicken)
gaeng-juuet dtao-huu muu-sap(Choped pord and tofu soup)
gaeng-pet bpet-yaang (Grilled duck in the red curry soup)

pat pak ruam-mit (Mixed vegetables fry)
bpuu-pat pong-ga-ree (Fried crab with curry powder)
tort-man bplaa (Deep fried fish cake)
pat ga-prao muu-sap (Fried choped pork with basil leaf)
pat pak-bung (Morning glory fry)
pat ka-naa muu grorp (Crispy pork with spinatch fry)
gai tort gra-tiam prik-tai (Deep fried chicken with garlic and pepper)

som-dtam tai (Thai papaya salad)
som-dtam bpuu (Papaya salad with some field crabs)
som-dtam ta-lay (Seafood papaya salad)
laap muu (Choped pork mixed with Thai herb and grind fried chili)
nam-dtok muu (Minced pork mixed with Thai herb and grind fried chili)
yam wun-sen (Noodle jelly salad)
yam tuua-puu (Green wing bean salad)
gai yaang (Grilled chicken)

kaao-niao (Sticky rice)
kaao-suai (Steamed rice)
kaao-dtom (Boiled rice)
jook (Grind rice in the soup)
muu (Pork)
gai (Chicken)
nuue-a (Beef)
bplaa (Fish)
bpuu (Crab)
gung (Shrimp)
bplaa muek (Squid)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Bangkok Today: grung-tayp wan-nee กรุงเทพฯวันนี้

Congratulations! yin-dee duai gap kun Apirak, puu-waa-raat-cha-gaan-jang-wat grung-tayp-ma-haa-na-korn.
ยินดีด้วยกับคุณอภิรักษ์ ผู้ว่าราชการจังหวัดกรุงเทพมหานคร
Congratulations = yin-dee duai ยินดีด้วย
A governer = puu-waa-raat-cha-gaan-jang-wat ผู้ว่าราชการจังหวัด
(We can say it shortly "puu-waa ผู้ว่าฯ".)
Province = jang-wat จังหวัด
Bangkok = grung-tayp-ma-haa-na-korn กรุงเทพมหานคร
( "grung-tayp กรุงเทพฯ" is the short form or "gor-tor-mor. กทม.")