Friday, September 26, 2008

Thai Langauge is amazing!!!

You know? In the daily life Thai people don't ask "sa-baai-dee mai ?=How are you?" and answer
"sa-baai-dee = I'm fine." all the time. Mostly they say "bpen yang-ngai baang? = How are things?/ How are you doing?"

There are many ways to answer:

gor dee = Fine/ It's ok.
gor sa-baai dee = Fine/Ok.
ngan ngan laeh = It's not good not bad.
mue-an (mue-an) doem = Same old, Same as before.
tam-ma-daa, mai mee a-rai pi-sayt. It's normal, nothing special.
gor rue-ai rue-ai = Keep going continuously.

PS: These phrases were used to speak to close people.

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